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List of Companies Stellantis (Chrysler/FCA) Canada Special Rebates

Some companies get a special rebates at Chrysler (Stellantis/FCA) Canada. Here you'll find the list of all the eligible companies. To have an idea of the rebate you can get or if you have any questions, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page or call us at 450 625-500 or toll free at 1 866 414-5920.
3M Canada Company   |   A. Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co.   |    A. Raymond Tinnerman Manufacturing Hamilton Inc.
A. Schulman Canada   |   A.P. Plasman   |   A.V. Gauge & Fixture Inc.   |   AarKel Tool and Die Inc.   |   ABB Inc.
ABC Group Exterior Systems   |   Absolute Results Productions Ltd.   |   Accenture Inc
Accor Hotels Group   |   Accurcast Inc.   |  Action Car and Truck Accessories   |   Activplant Corporation
Acument Global Technologies   |  Adesa Auctions Canada Corporation   |   Adient
ADP Canada   |   Advanced Design Solutions Inc.   |    AEARO Canada Ltd   |   Aecon Utilities
Aegion Corporation   |   AFCC,  Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperative   |   Affinia Canada Corp   |   Agero
Agrium, Inc. (UAP Canada, Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc.)   |   AGS Automotive Systems   |   Air Canada
Air Liquide Canada Inc.   |   Airbus (basé sur contrat avec Bombardier Canada)   |   Aisin Canada Inc.
Alberici Constructors Ltd   |   Alcoa - Aluminerie de Deschambault/Becancour/Baie-Comeau
Alcoa Investment Cast & Forged Products   |  Aleris Specification Alloy Products   |   Aliments Asta Inc.
Allegis Group Canada Corporation   |  AltaLink Management Ltd.   |  Aluminerie Alouette Inc.   |    Amcan Castings
Amex Canada Inc. (American Express)   |   Android-Brampton LLC   |   ANSYS Inc.  |Aramark Canada Ltd.
Arbor Memorial Services Inc.   |   ArcelorMittal   |   ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc.    |   ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks
ARI Financial Services Inc.   |   Arlanxeo  |   Arvin Meritor Ride Control Product    |   Asplundh Canada
Associated Spring Operations   |   Astadia   |   Astra Design System Inc.    |   AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Atco Ltd   |   Atlantic Container Line AB   |   Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd.   |   Atlas Copco Canada Inc.
Atlas Tag Company Of Canada Inc.    |   Autodata Solutions Company   |   Autodesk Canada Company
AutoGross Marketing Consultants, LLC/dba: Canadian Upsell Marketing Inc.   |   Autoliv Canada Inc.
Automotive Performance Group Ltd/CDP   |   Autoneum Canada Ltd   |    Autotube|   Avaya Canada
Avery Dennison Canada   |   Axiom Group Inc.   |   Aztec Financial, LLC

B&W Heat Treating   |   Baker Hughes   |   Ball Packaging Products Canada (Ball Corporation)
Ballard Power Systems Inc.   |   Bank of America   |   Barnes Distribution Canada   |   BASF Canada Inc  
Bayer Inc.   |   BDI Canada Inc   |   Beckman Coulter Canada LP   |   Bell Aliant - Bell Canada (BCE)
Bell Canada (BCE)   |   Bell Helicopter Textron Canada   |   Bell Media - Bell Canada (BCE)
Bell Technical Solutions - Bell Canada (BCE)   |   Bena Fastenings Inc.   |   Bend All Automotive   |   Benteler Automotive
Biochem Environmental Solutions   |   Bird Construction/Stuart Olson   |  Black & Decker Canada Inc.
Black and McDonald Limited   |   Black Diamond Limited Partnership   |   Blackberry/Research in Motion (RIM)
BLG Calgary   |   BNSF Railway   |   Bodycote Canada Inc.   |   Bogar Truck Parts & Service    |   Bombardier Canada
Bombardier Recreational Products Inc.   |   Borden Ladner Gervais LLP   |   Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp.
Boss Promotions Inc.   |   Bragg Group- Amtelcom   |   Bragg Group - Bluewater Cable   |   Bragg Group - Bragg Lumber
Bragg Group - Coast Cable   |   Bragg Group - Delta Cable   |   Bragg Group - Eastlink   |   Bragg Group - Oxford Frozen Foods
Bragg Group - Persona Inc.   |   Bragg Group - Tidnish Holdings   |   Brandimensions Inc.   |   BrandSafway Group Inc.
Brenntag Canada   |   Bridgeport Agencies Ltd.   |   Bridgestone Firestone Canada Inc.    |   Britman Industries Limited
Brose Canada Inc.   |   Build-A-Mould Ltd.   |   Burnco Rock Products
C E Franklin Ltd.   |   Caliber Marketing Ltd.   |   Cal-Matrix Metrology Inc.   |   Calmont Leasing Ltd.
Camber Resource Services Ltd.   |   Campbell Company of Canada   |   Canada Colors & Chemicals Limited   |   Canada Post  
Cana-Datum Moulds Ltd.   |   Canadian Bearings Ltd   |   Canadian Electrocoating Ltd.   |   Canadian N.D.E. Technology Ltd
Canadian National Railway    |   Canadian Pacific Railway    |   Canadian Police Associtation  |   Canadian Red Cross
Canadian Union of Public Employees    |   Canonbie (subsidiary of Aecon Utilities)   |   Canopy Growth Corporation
Cape Breton Regional Municipality    |   Carlton McGuire Sales & Service Ltd.   |   Cascades Inc. |   Case Construction Equipment
Case IH Agriculture   |   Cassels Brock & Blackwell   |   Cassen Transport Ltd.   |   Castool Tooling Systems   |   CCT Auto Trans Inc.
Celadon Canada   |   Cementation Skanska Canada    |   Cenovus Energy Inc.   |   Centerline (Windsor) Limited
Central Stampings Ltd   |   Charisma Marketing Inc.   |   Checker Industrial Ltd.   |   Chevron   |   Chicago Miniature Lamp Inc.
Choko Motorsports Inc.   |   Chubb Edwards (division of United Technologies Corp.)   |   Churchill Transportation
CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Company and CIBC Mellon Trust Company   |   CIT Financial Ltd.   |   Citigroup
City of Weyburn   |   Clean Harbors Canada Inc.   |   CNOOC International   |   Coca-Cola Enterprises   |   Coco Group
Collins Electric Service   |    Columbia Sportswear Company   |   Comber Tool & Mold Eng. Inc.   |   Compass Minerals Canada Corp
Compuware Corporation   |   Comstock Canada Ltd.   |   Concentrix   |   Contact Creative Services   |   Continental Tire Canada Inc.
Convergint Technologies Ltd.   |   Cooke & Denison Ltd.   |   Cooper Standard Automotive   |   Core Laboratories Canada Ltd
Cosma International Group of Canada   |   Covidien (Tyco Healthcare Group Canada, ULC)   |   CQNX Software Systems
Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc.    |   Crescent Point Energy Corp.   |   CRH Canada   |   Crown North America - Division of Leggett & Platt
CSX TransportationCummins Eastern Canada LP    |   Cummins Western Canada

D.A. Stuart Inc.   |   Dana Canada Corporation   |   Danaher Canada Partners Inc.   |   Dassault Systèmes
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP    |   Day & Ross Transportation Group   |   Dayco Canada   |   Dealer - FX
Decoma International Inc   |   Deere & Company Headquarters/John Deere Dealer Network   |   Dell Canada Inc   |   Deloitte & Touche
Deluxe Corporation   |   Denso Manufacturing Canada   |   Dentons Canada LLP   |   Design Systems Canada
Desjardins Group   |   Desjardins Insurance   |   Dessau   |   DHL Express Canada Ltd.   |   Diageo Canada Inc.   |   Diageo North America, Inc.
Dicom - Gojit   |   Digital Measurement Metrology Inc.   |   Dilawri Group of Companies   |   Distribution NOW   |  DNow Canada ULC
Do All Canada Inc.   |    Dolfo Transport   |   Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Canada   |   Donaldson Company Inc./Donaldson Canada Inc.
DOW Chemical Canada ULC   |   DP World Prince Rupert Inc.   |   Dresser-Rand Canada Inc.   |   duBreton Inc.
Dukes Transport   |   Dundee Energy L.P.    |   Dyna-Mig a Division of F&P Mfg. Inc.   |   Dyno Nobel Canada Inc.

Earth Tech Canada Inc.   |   East Penn Canada/Power Battery Sales Ltd.   |   Eastman Manufacturing Ltd.   |   Easton Coatings
Eaton Yale Ltd   |   Ecolab Canada   |   EECOL Electric (subsidiary)  |   Electrical Components Canada Inc.
Electrical Safety Authority   |   Electro-Motive Canada (EMC)   |    Electronic Data Systems   |   Electrozad Supply Company Limited
EMC Canada   |   Emkay Fleet Solutions   |   Enbridge Gas Distribution and Power   |   Encana Corporation
Enerflex Ltd. (Gas Drive Global LP)   |   Énergie Valero Inc.   |    Enerplus Corporation   |   Ensign Energy Services Inc.
EPCOR/City of Edmonton   |   Epiroc Canada   |   Equipment Canada Ltd.   |   Equipment Sales & Service Limited
Essar Steel Algoma Inc.   |   Essential Energy Services    |   Essex Terminal Railway Company   |   Essex Weld Solutions   |   Exco Engineering
EXO-S   |   Expeditors Canada Inc. (subsidiary of Expeditors International of Washington Inc.)  |   Exterion   |   ExxonMobil Canada/Imperial Oil
FP Mfg. Inc.   |   Fag Bearings Ltd    |   Fairmount Minerals   |   FANCU Robotics Canada   |   Fasken Martineau Du Moulin
Fasken Martineau Du Moulin LLP   |   Fastenal Canada Company   |   Faurecia Automotive Seating   |   Federal Mogul Canada Ltd.
Federal Signal Corporation   |   Federated Co-operatives - Dawson Co-operative Union   |   Fédération des Caisse Desjardins du Québec
Federation of Alberta Gas Co-op Ltd.   |   FedEx   |   First Canada   |   First Student Canada   |   Flextronics Canada   |   FLINT Corp
FMT Strategie et Performance   |   Foodland (subsidiary - Sobeys)   |   Forbo Siegling Ltd.   |   Formet Industries (division of Magna Corporation)
Fragomen Canada Co   |   Freedom   |   Freightliner   |   Freightliner Chassis Owners Association   |   Freshco - Subsidiary of Sobeys
Freudenberg - NOK Inc.   |   Frischkorn Audio-Visual   |   Frontline CSBK Inc.   |   FS Partners, a division of Grewmarks Inc.
FTI Frederick Thompson    |   Fuchs Lubricants Canada Ltd
G & K Services Canada Inc.   |   Gates - London Operations   |   Gates Canada Inc.   |   Gates Rubber Company   |   Gateway
General Electric Canada Inc.    |   General Physics Corporation    |   Genfast Manufacturing   |   Gentherm Canada Ltd
George Weston Limited - Loblaw Companies Ltd   |   George Weston Limited - Shoppers Drug Mart   |   Gerrie Eletctric Wholesale Ltd. 
GFI Control Systems   |   GHD Ltd./GHD Consultants Limitee    |   Gibson Energy   |   Giffin Contractors
GKN Sintermetals - St. Thomas Ltd.    |   Glaxo Smithkline Inc.   |   Glory Global Solutions (Canada) Inc   |   GLOS Engineering Ltd.
Goodmans LLP   |   Goodyear Canada Inc.   |   Google   |   Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP   |   GP Canada   |   Grainger
Grasslands Reginal Division No.6   |   Green Shield Canada   |   Greenwich Metal Cleaning Services Inc.   |   Grenville Castings Ltd
Greyhound Canada   |   Ground Effects Ltd.   |   Groupe Biscuits Leclerc Inc.   |   Guardian Industries   |   Guelph Manufacturing Group Inc.
Haas Corporation Ltd   |   Halifax Regional Municipality   |   Halliburton Group Canada   |   Hallmark Canada
Handling Speciality Manufacturing Ltd.   |   Hanon Systems Canada   |   Hapag-Lloyd   |   Harper's Tire (1931) Ltd.
Heartland Generation Ltd Formely Atco   |   Hella Inc.   |   Hematite Manufacturing   |   Hendrickson Canada
Henkel Canada Corporation   |   Henniges Automotive   |   Henry Schein Canada Inc.   |   Hertz Rent a Car and Equipment Rental
Hewitt Associates LLC - AON Canada   |   Home Hardware Stores Limited   |   Honeywell   |   Hoover Entreprises Inc   |   Horton CBI, Limited
Houghton Canada Inc.   |   HSE Integrated Ltd   |   Husky Energy   |   Huys Industries Limited   |   HyLife Inc.

IAC Ingersoll   |   IBM Canada Ltd.   |   IKO Industries Ltd   |  Inergy Automotive Systems   |   INF LLP   |   Innovative Control Solutions
Intact Financial Corp.    |   Inter Pipeline Ltd.   |   Intermec Technologies Canada Ltd.   |   International Freight Systems Inc.
International Landscaping Inc.    |   International SOS   |   Invensys Controls Canada   |   Iseco  |   ITW-Canada Management Company
Jack Cooper Transport   |   James Kemp Construction Ltd.   |   Jansen Inc. (Johnson & Johnson)   |   JBS Canada ULC
JD Norman Industries Inc.   |   Jeld-Wen of Canada   |   Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada Ltd.   |   JFK Systems Inc.   |   John Crane Canada Inc.
Johnson Controls UPG Independent Distributor & Dealer Network   |   JP Morgan Chase   |   JTI-Macdonald Corp   |   Jupiter Resources

Kapco Tool & Die Ltd   |   Karmax Heavy Stamping   |   Katz Group Canada LLC/Rexall   |   Kautex Textron Operations
Kee West Auto Carriers Inc   |   KEI (Kuntz Electroplating Inc.)   |   Kellogg Canada Inc.   |   Kelly Services Canada
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort   |   Kiewit Corporation    |   Kimberley-Clark Inc.   |   King Materials Handling Ltd   |   KIRCHHOFF Automotive Aurora
Kitchener Frame Limited   |   Kobelco Construction Machinery America   |   Koch Industries Inc.    |   Koyo Bearings USA LLC
Kraft Heinz Canada   |   Kruger Inc.   |   KSR International Co.

L.F. Durand Entreprises/(dba) Rips Audio Video & Spas   |   Labatt Breweries of Canada|   Lafarge Canada Inc.   |   Landing Transport Ltd
Landstar Systems Inc.   |   Lanxess   |   Lawson Products Inc.   |  LE. Walker Transport Ltd   |   Lear Corporation   |   Ledcor Leasing Limited
Lehigh Northwest Cement Ltd.   |   Lennox Drum Limited   |   Lenovo   |   Les Evenements FLH/Formation Laurent Hurtubise Inc.
Les Renovations Vanni Inc.   |Lifting Solutions Inc.   |   Lighting Maintenance Service    |   Linamar Corporation   |   Linde Canada Limited
Lionbridge Canada   |   LKQ Corporation   |   LMI Technologies Inc.   |   Lydall Inc.
M & R Industrial Services Limited   |   Mackie Moving Systems   |   Magna Corporation   |   Mahle Clevite Canada
MAHLE Filter Systems Canada, ULC    |   Mammoet Canada   |  Manheim Canada   |   Manitoulin Transport|   Mann + Hummel USA, Inc.
Manz Contracting Services Inc.   |   Marathon Oil Company   |   Marathon Petroleum LP   |   Marcom Group   |   Maritz Canada Inc.
Martinrea Fabco Metallic   |   Martinrea International Inc.   |   Marwood Metal Fabrication Ltd.   |   McCarthy Tetrault / MT Services
McDonald's Restaurant of Canada Limited   |   MCL McGill Carriers Ltd   |   McMillan LLP   |   McTague Law Firm LLP   |   Meda Limited
Medicentres   |   Melvin Orr Trucking   |   Merchants Paper Company   |   Merck Frosst   |   Mercury Products Co.
Meridian Automotive Systems    |   Meridian Lightweight Technologies Inc    |   Meridian Magnesium Products Div
Meritor Automotive Inc.|   MERITOR SUSP SYS CO-MILTON    |   Messer Canada  |   Metal Systems   |   Metaldyne   |   Metro Inc.
Michelin North America (Canada) Inc.   |   Microserv   |   Midwest Surveys Inc.   |   Millar Western   |   Miller Thomson LLP
Millward Brown Canada   |   Mississauga Steel Mart   |   Mitchell Plastics   |    Mitel   |  Moen Inc.   |   Moe's Transport Trucking, Inc.
Molson Canada   |   Momentum Advanced Solutions Inc.   |   Mondelez International   |   Monitech Industrial Display Solutions   |   Moore Wallace Inc.
Mosaic Canada   |   Motion Canada   |   Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.   |   MPL Freight Services Inc.
MSSC   |   Mullen Group Ltd.   |   Multimatic Inc.   |   Muma Manufacturing Inc.   |   Musashi Autoparts CA Inc.
Nartech Metal Products Ltd   |   NASCAR   |   National Energy Equipment Inc.   |   National Hockey League Players Association
National Oilwell Varco   |   National Rubber Technologies   |   National Thoroughbred Racing Association   |   NCR Canada Ltd.
Neocon International Inc.   |   New Forest Paper Mills   |   New Holland Agriculture   |   New Holland Construction
Newfoundland Power/A Fortis Company
NEWS MARKETING CANADA   |   Nexus Transportation   |   Niagara Grape and Wine Festival
Noble Metal Process Inc.   |   Nolar Industries Limited   |   Norfolk Southern Railway
North West Redwater Partnership (NWR)   |   Northview Apartment REIT   |   Nova Scotia Health Authority
Novelis Inc.   |   NTN Bearing Corporation of Canada Ltd.
Nu-Media Display Systems Inc.   |   Nutrien Ltd
Oakley Sub Assembly    |   Oakwood Transport   |   Oldcastle Building Products Canada Inc. (Permacon)
Omron Dualtec Automotive Electronics Inc.   |   Ontario Battery Services Company Ltd    |   Ontario Power Generation
Ontario Society of Prof. Engineers   |   ONX Enterprise Solutions Inc.   |   OPP Association (Ontario Provincial Police)    |   Optimal Robotics
Oracle Canada ULC (Oracle Corporation Canada Inc.)   |   Osram Canada Ltd   |   Osram Sylvania
P A T H   |   Package Express Inc.   |   Paramount Resources Ltd   |   Parker Hannifin Canada   |   Parkland Industries Ltd   |
PCL Construction Resources Inc.   |   Peen & Clean Ltd   |   Peiker Acustic Inc.   |   Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Penske   |   Performance Logistics 2010 Inc.   |   Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP   |   Peterson Spring of Canada Ltd
Pfizer Canada Inc.   |   Philips Electronics Ltd   |   Philips Lighting Canada Ltd.   |   Phoenix EDT Inc.   |   PIC Group
Pilkington Glass of Canada Ltd   |   Piller's Fine Foods or P.B.O.L.P.   |   Pinchin Ltd   |   Plastic Omnium   |   Plombco Inc.   |   Plydex
PolyCon Industries   |   Polytec Foha Corportion   |   Postform Ltd.   |   Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, Inc
Potomski Transportaion Inc.   |   Powerflow Inc.   |   Powerhouse Controls Ltd   |   Powersim Inc.   |   PPG Canada Inc.
Praxair Canada Inc.   |   Precision Drilling Corporation   |   Presstran Industries    |   Price Industries Ltd
Prince Metal Products Ltd - CAN   |   Proax Technologies Ltd   |   Professional Excavators Ltd.   |   Propak Systems Ltd
PTC Inc. (formely Parametric Technology Corporation)   |   PTW Energy   |   Purolator Courier Ltd

QEK Global Solutions   |   Quanta Services, Inc.   |    Quinn Contracting Ltd   |   QWR Ltd
R. Craig Stevenson, Esq.   |   R.B.I.   |   R.J. Cyr Co. Inc.   |   RAID   |   Rainbow Transport   |  Ram Rodeo   |   Ranger Design Inc.
Rapid Global Business Solutions, Inc.   |   Raufoss Automotive Components Canada   |   RCM Technologies   |   RealityClick Inc.
Recochem Inc.   |   REHAU Unlimited Polymer Solutions    |   Remax Centre City Realty   |   |   Redpath Canada Limited
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.   |   Reynolds & Reynolds   |   RHI Canada Inc.   |   Rideway Transport Inc.   |   Ridsdale Transport Ltd
Rio Tinto Canada Management Inc.   |   Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (Canada) Inc.   |   Riverview Steel Co. Ltd 
Road Runners Equipment    |   Rockwater Energy Solutions    |   Rockwell Automation    |   Rocky Mountain Equipment 
Rocky Mountain Express    |   Rodeo Management Group    |   Roevin Technical People
Rogers Communications Inc.    |   Rollstar Metal Forming     Rova Machine Inc.   |   RR Donnelly   |   Rubbermaid Canada
Russel Tool & Die   |   Ryder Logistic/Trans Worldwide    |   Ryder Truck Rental Canada Ltd
Safety-Kleen   |   Safway Group   |   Safway Steel Products Inc.   |   Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials   |   Samuel Son & Co. Ltd
Sandalwood of Canada Ltd   |   Sandvik Canada   |   Sapient Corporation   |   Savaria   |   Schaeffler Aerospace Canada Inc.
Schindler Elevator Corporation   |   Schlegel Canada Inc.   |   Schlumberger Canada Ltd   |   Schneider Canada Inc- Schneider Electric
Schneider National   |   Schreiber Brothers Ltd   |   SCI Funeral and Cemetery Purchasing Cooperative
SCM - Subsidiary of Walmart   |   SDL Internationnal (Canada) Inc.   |   SE Canada Inc.   |   Secure Energy Services Inc.
Securitas Canada Ltd   |   Sedgwick Canada Inc.   |   Seeburn   |   SemCAMS ULC   |   Seneca Manufacturing Limited
ServiceMaster of Canada Ltd   |   SGS Canada Inc.   |   Shell Canada Products   |   SHI International Corp.   |   Showa Canada Inc.
Shrader Canada Ltd   |   Shred-It Canada   |   Shur-Way Containers   |   Siemens Canada Limited - H.O.   |   Silver Cross
Silver Cross Automotive   |   Sle-Co Plastics Inc.   |   Sleeman Breweries Ltd   |   SMC Pneumatics (CANADA) Ltd   |   SMS Equipment Inc.
Snap-On Inc.   |   SNC Lavalin Inc.  |   Sobeys   |   Sodecia North America   |   Softel Communications Inc.   |   Spark Power Corp.
Spectra Premium Industries   |   Speedway LLC   |   Spruce Meadows   |   Stackpole Powertrain International   |   Stago Canada Ltd
Stanley Canada   |   Staples Canada   |   Steelcase Canada Ltd   |   Stelco (U.S. Steel Canada)   |   Stella & Dot LLC
Steris Corporation   |   Stikeman Elliott    |   Stoncor Group   |   Strad Oilfield Rentals/Strad Energy Services   |   Stratosphere Quality
Strongco   |   
Suburban Landscaping Ltd   |   Summitomo Rubber North America Inc.   |   Sun Microsystems Of Canada Inc.
Suncor Energy Inc.   |   Supply Chain Solutions   |   Switzer-Carty Transportation   |   Sykes Assistance Services Corp   |   Sysco Corporation

Taylor Manufacturing Industries Inc.   |   Taylor Steel   |   TC Energy (anciennement TransCanada Pipeline)   |   TDS Automotive
Team Industrial Services Canada    |   Techform Products   |   TechnipFMC/FMC Technologies Canada Ltd   |   Teck Coal Limited
TEDI - Subsidiary of Walmart   |   Teksign Inc.   |   Telecon Inc.   |   Telus   |   Tenneco Automotive   |   Tenneco Canada Inc.
Tervita Corporation   |   Tetra Tech Inc.   |   Teutech Industries Inc.   |   Teva Canada   |   TGI Group Inc|   The Co-operators
The Diebold Company of Canada Limited   |   The Driving Force Inc.   |   The Electromac Group Inc.   |   The Exclusive Private Sale Inc.
The Narmco Group   |   The Okanagan Wine Festival Society   |   The Princes Margaret Horpital Foundation
The Sherwin Williams Company   |   The Source - Bell Canada (BCE)   |   Thomas & Betts   |   Thompson Bros (Construction) Ltd
Thomson Corporation   |   TI Automotive Canada Inc.   |   Tiernan Corp.   |   Timken Canada   |   Tipco Inc.   |   TK Elevator (Canada) Ltd
Tolko Industries Limited   |   Tool & Assembly Systems Inc.    |   Toolplas Systems Inc.   |   Toromont CAT   |   Total Energy Services Inc.
Total Power Limited   |   Towers Perrin   |   Toyoda Gosei / TG Minto Mint   |   TR Electronic   |   Trade-Mark Industrial Inc.
Traductions Serge Balair Inc.   |   Trail Appliances Ltd   |   Transco   |   TransForm Automotive  |   Transport Bourdon
Transport Car Fre   |   Transport Laberge   |   TriMark Tubulars Ltd   |   Triway Manufacturing Technologies   |   Troy Life and Fire Safety Ltd
TRW Canada   |   Tuopu North America Ltd   |   TVM Canada - 1625443 Ontario Inc.   |   Tyco   |   Tyco Electronics Canada ULC
UAP Inc.   |   UBE Automotive North America Sarnia Inc.   |   Ultra Manufacturing   |   Umicore Autocat Canada Corporation
Unimotor - Division of Standard Motor Pr    |   United Counties of Prescott and Russell   |   United Farmers of Alberta Co-operative
United Parcel Service Canada Ltd.   |   United Rentals   |   United States Team Roping Championships Organization
United Technologies Cooperation/Raytheon Technologies   |   USIC Locationg Services
Valiant International Inc.   |   Van de Hogen Cartage Ltd   |   Van-Action (500)   |   Van-Rob Inc.   |   Velcro Canada Inc.
Veltri Canada Howard Division   |   Veltri Canada Limited   |   Ventra Plastics (Flex-n-Gate)   |   Veolia Water Logistics LLC (Veolia North America)
Verspeeten Cartage Ltd   |   Veyance Technologies Canada Inc.   |   Vipond Inc.   |   Vistech Manufacturing (Ontario) Inc.
Volker Stevin Canada Ltd   |   Vollmer Inc.
Wajax Industries (Div.)   |   Walmart    |   Waste Management of Canada    |   Waterville TG Inc.   |   Weatherford Canada   |   Weir Canada Inc.
Wescast Industries Inc.   |   Wesco Distribution   |   West Jet Inc.   |   Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd. 
WFS Ltd   |   Wheels Canada Inc.   |   Whitecap Resources Inc.   |   Whiting Equipment Canada Inc.   |   Wickens Industrial
Windsor Disposal Services Ltd   |   Windsor Machine & Stamping (2009) Ltd    |   Windsor Mold Group   |   Wipro Solutions Canada Limited
Wireless Ronin Technologies Canada Inc.    |   Wolverine Freight System   |   Woodall Construction Co. Ltd
Woodbridge Foam Corporation   |   Worden-Watson Ltd   |    WS Leasing Ltd   |   Wyeth Canada
X - Y - Z
X West Carriers   |   Xerox Canada/ACS - A Xerox Company   |   Yale Industrial Trucks   |   Yazaki   |   York International   |   Zalev Brothers Limited 

Certain vehicles are not eligible for these company rebates. All speciality vehicles like Ram TRX, Wrangler 392, and hybrid models.

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    Last update: June 2024