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Car Dealership Dodge Jeep Chrysler Ram in Laval

We are always available remotely to answer your questions and to sell our vehicles.

Here are the ways to contact our sales department :

    • By phone : 1 866 414-5920


    • By email : info@landryauto.com


    • By SMS : New Vehicles: 450 235-4339 Used Vehicles: 450 235-5991


    • By Facebook Messenger : on our page Facebook.com/LandryAuto


If you're looking for a Ram, Jeep, Dodge, or Chrysler dealership in Laval, consider visiting Landry Automobiles. We sell vehicles and provide specialty parts and servicing for specific vehicles.

What Is Landry Automobiles?

For three generations, Landry Automobiles is a family-owned car dealership in Laval specializing in Ram, Jeep, Dodge, and Chrysler products. Landry provides new and used vehicles, as well as parts, servicing, and maintenance. Our mission is to simplify and streamline purchasing or servicing a vehicle. We provide the total price of the transaction from the start in an effort towards transparency in our customer service.

What Is the Address of Landry Automobiles?

Landry Automobiles can be found at 103 Blvd Curé-Labelle, Ste-Rose, Laval, QC, H7L2Z2.

How to Get There by Car

To get to Landry Automobiles by car, take Highway 15 or the 117 bridge, depending on what's closest to you. If you take the highway, take exit 16. Then, follow boulevard Ste-Rose Est. until you reach the corner of Ste-Rose and Curé-Labelle. Landry Automobiles is on the corner of these two roads.

How to Get There by Transit

If you prefer to take transit, there are a few bus lines nearby. The 151 bus line stops directly in front of Landry, at the Curé-Labelle/Sainte-Rose stop. The 73 bus line stops around the corner, at the Sainte-Rose/Curé-Labelle stop. If you're coming in the other direction on the 73 bus line, you may exit at the Sainte-Rose/Thérèse -Casgrain stop.

Contacting Landry Automobiles

If you desire to get in contact with a representative from Landry, you have a few options. If you want to call, our phone number is 1 866-414-5920. ou may contact someone through the website, by filling out the email form on the Contact webpage. There's also a chat box that connects you with a sales representative. Visit Landry Automobiles for strong customer service and extensive knowledge about your vehicle needs. We provide a customer-oriented dealership experience.